SMR Webcasts

For many years the SMR have been broadcasting their symposia on the Internet in conjunction with Prous Science, via webcasts.

To view these webcasts please Click here

These webcasts have a number of advantages:

  • they provide an excellent educational resource for all
  • those interested in drug discovery
  • they promote the Society’s activities
  • they extend the reach of the scientific symposia

Some details about webcasts, in the form of a Q&A, are set out below. 

? What is the webcast?

The webcast includes an audio recording of a presentation accompanied by slides. Normally, if the speaker wishes, it also includes the abstract of the presentation, and the speaker’s short biography and photo.

The webcast is posted on the Internet within two weeks after the symposium and remains there for a minimum of a year.

We invite you to view, as an example, the webcast of the SMR symposium Pharmacotherapy for Neuropathic Pain: Progress and Prospects at

? How will the webcast affect my presentation?

The webcast should not affect your presentation in any way. We ask you, however, to remember that small text on slides is not easily readable from a far distance or on the webcast.

For the webcast we will require a copy of your PowerPoint presentation which we can make on the day of symposium.

? Can my presentation be copied from the webcast?

No, the webcast is programmed especially so that the audio recording and slides can be viewed/heard only, but not downloaded.

? The data I am presenting is not yet published

Most scientific journals do not consider that posting an audio recording of an oral presentation at a scientific meeting on the Internet, with slides from the presentation, as prior publication. 

? Some of the slides in my presentation cannot be used in the webcast

Occasionally some of the slides used in scientific presentations are not appropriate for Internet usage (e.g. identifiable pictures of patients, pictures of laboratory animals). In these cases, these slides can be replaced with a blank slide.

? Who views the webcast?

Access to the webcast is free and is viewed by a worldwide audience. Viewers normally access the webcast through the links on the SMR or Prous Science websites. About 450 presentations are viewed within the first 6 months of the webcast being posted.

? Is my presentation edited in any way?

No, speakers’ presentations are included in the webcast just as it they were presented unless the speaker specifically asks for the recording to be edited.

? Is there any handover of rights involved in the webcast?

No, the copyright of the presentation remains with the speaker/author. By agreeing to the webcast the speaker is granting to the society a one-time permission only.

Should you have any queries about the webcast please do not hesitate in contacting Anika Black at Prous Science,


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