
22nd September 2010
 NHLI, Kensington, London

09.00 Arrival, Registration and Coffee
Session 1 - Introducing Epigenetics -  Chair – Richard Armer, Lectus Therapeutics
10.00    Karl Nightingale, Birmingham Medical School
Fundamental Biology of Epigenetics
10.45 Nessa Carey, Cellcentric, UK
Therapeutic Opportunities in Epigenetics
11.30 Gerard Drewes, Cellzome AG, Germany
Chemical Proteomics Tools for Drug Discovery in Epigenetics
12.15 Lunch

Session 2 - Marketed Medicines from Epigenetics - Chair – Ruth Lock, Novartis

13.30 Thomas Miller, Merck, USA
Zolinza (Vorinostat, SAHA) – Case History
14.15 Pierre Wijermans, Haga Hospital, Netherlands
Dacogen (Decitabine) – Case History
15.00 Tea
Session 3 - Epigenetics – the Next Wave - Chair – Phil Jeffrey, GSK

Stephen Shuttleworth, Karus, UK
Second Generation HDAC inhibitors

16.15 Jason Witherington, GSK, UK
Bromodomains – a tractable Epigenetic target for drug discovery
17.00 Close

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